Posted on | Friday, June 14, 2013 | No Comments
Let’s call on the interested
The wide-eyed, the hopeful
The princesses and the princes
The believer
The wide-eyed, the hopeful
The princesses and the princes
The believer
Let’s summon the generals,
The queens, the kings,
And the knights that ride the adventurous trails
The queens, the kings,
And the knights that ride the adventurous trails
Let’s call on the leaders
The lover, the big ones, the small ones
The been-there’s, the done-that’s
The discoverers, the conductor
The scientist, the CEOs
The lover, the big ones, the small ones
The been-there’s, the done-that’s
The discoverers, the conductor
The scientist, the CEOs
Let’s call on the skywalkers
The movers, the shakers
The movers, the shakers
Let’s call on the curious
And bring on the hope.
And bring on the hope.
Life starts here.

I don't wanna deceive you.
If you fall for me. I'm not easy to please. I might tear you apart. Told you from the start, baby from the start..
I'm only gonna break break your break break your heart..

Gossip Girl Season Finale
Posted on | Tuesday, June 21, 2011 | No Comments
I couldn't have asked for a better way to patch the huge gap between Chuck and Blair than this. The spontaneous dance scene, accompanied by the ever-so-apt Rolling in the Deep by Adele. They chose the right song, with the perfect lyrics to describe every bit of their relationship.
Stolen moments of happiness and love-making, even though Chuck let Blair go in the end, but honestly, there's never been a more compatible couple on-screen such as them, in my opinion.
Being the hard-core Chuck and Blair fan that I am, I can't help but look back at the end of season 1, during Bart Bass and Lily's wedding when Chuck was giving his best man speech.
Chuck said, "In the face of true love, you don't just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to."
Then, rationality sinks in and tells me that if they got back together so quickly, there wouldn't be anything interesting to tell in the following season.
By the way, what did Charlie/Ivy steal? It looked like checks, but I'm not sure. Im just curious
I'm highly anticipating season 5 of Gossip Girl to know how more drama between them will unfold. After all, everyone's pretty sure that Blair is pregnant with Chuck's baby... One can hope, yes?

for your entertainment
Forever and Ever Amen
We, we are in love
and we forever
We not gonna stop
We'll be forever
And all the stars in the sky
And all the flowers in the fields
And all the flower in the earth
Could never take you from my heart
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And let me run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned into the sky
Run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned into the sky
We, we are the ones
When we're together
We, we are the young
We live forever
The Drums
And all the stars in the sky
And all the flowers in the fields
And all the flowers in the earth
Could never take you from my heart
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And let me run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned into the sky
Run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned into the sky
Forever ... and ever (repeat)
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And let anekatips me run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned in the sky
Run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned in the sky
and we forever
We not gonna stop
We'll be forever
And all the stars in the sky
And all the flowers in the fields
And all the flower in the earth
Could never take you from my heart
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And let me run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned into the sky
Run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned into the sky
We, we are the ones
When we're together
We, we are the young
We live forever
The Drums
And all the stars in the sky
And all the flowers in the fields
And all the flowers in the earth
Could never take you from my heart
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And let me run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned into the sky
Run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned into the sky
Forever ... and ever (repeat)
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And it's forever, baby it's forever
And let anekatips me run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned in the sky
Run till the end of time
Until our hearts are aligned in the sky

Music Monday,
songs of pretty words
Bahan Final Manajemen Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan
Posted on | Wednesday, December 22, 2010 | No Comments
PSKM 07..
materi ujian : bab 1 - 16

Posted on | Friday, November 12, 2010 | No Comments
“She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime,your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.” -Barbara Alpert

vote for my brother please :)
Posted on | Tuesday, October 19, 2010 | No Comments
my brother's currently joining this video competition held by the australia's dept of climate change and energy efficiency..
I hope u wouldn't mind sparing some of ur time checking out his video..
n if u like it, be sure to vote for it..
please vote :) here ---> Shout Out for Climate Change
merci beacoup.. it means a lot to us..
and as for ur info, last year he also won a similar national competition held by flinders university..
I hope he continues to do more and more great works
u make us all proud.. brother..

blog induced procrastination (abaikan)
I'm supposed to have my first driving lesson this afternoon..
tapi dicancel..
soalnya gw nerpes..
wkwkwk.. just jokin..
ya ga mungkin laaaaah gw nervous, mana ada orang keren nervous...
*apaseeeh ???*
lagi sakit nih, same old story; maag gw kambuh :(
could somebody drop by my room, n bring me some food.. please.. pretty please.. *-*

LISTENING: Sons of Sylvia
THINKING: Updating moi blog :D
CRUSHING: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
READING: White Girl Problems

- family (3)
- fashion passion (2)
- for your entertainment (5)
- kuliah (1)
- (2)
- Music Monday (3)
- ramblings (9)
- songs of pretty words (4)
- the picture speaks (1)

a propos de moi

- maulida ika
- I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. - Marilyn Monroe
connect with me

play me, pretty please..