driving lessons, shoe sales and random imbicile moments
Posted on | Sunday, October 17, 2010 | No Comments
had a pretty random day today, started off my morning pretty weak WITHOUT breakfast (actually havent eaten anything since like the night of the day before yesterday. thats a total of 38 hours.. yesterday i didnt eat anything except of 2 cups of young-coconut (kelapa muda??) *???* guess its cos yesterday the heat was so unbearable, it made me delirious and suddenly forgot i was hungry..)trus pulang kerumah setengah sadar dipagi2 buta (red: jam 8 pagi) gapake mandi hohoho.. whaat? I was in a rush :p
then I went out to register for driving lessons, which was also pretty random.. the mas2 receptionist was fair retarded.. when i gave him a photocopy of my id, he insisted on photocopying it himself. i think he wanted to make sure my id wasnt fake cos it was laminated twice, the picture was blurry and the fact that my birthplace was unfamiliar hahaha..
then went to the cinemas to watch eat pray love where we were attacked by a swarm of ababils.. the mall was like jammed with these creatures, i was wondering why.. gatau eh gataunyaa... mau ada vierra gitu katanya.. pantesan aja mallnya penuh kloningan widi.. hahaha
eat pray love was kinda boring, ceritanya biasa gampang ditebak... (which imma tell u more on my next post bout the movie review)
pretty obvious that my highlight of the day wasn't the movie I watched, it was what happened after the movies..
hey hey...
i just got two new pairs of CUTE sandals btw.. at a very very cheap price infact.. yaay yaay!!
arent they just cute?
heck yes! that's cos i got it from a *drumroll please* SALE!!
so, yawe (my sidekick :p) n i was like shoved in a sea of sandals (and boxes of sandals) with a swarm of labile ruthless ladies scavanging for sandals *again with the over-exaggeration* sorry.. cant help it :p... it was like a totally new experience for me. gw ga pernah yg namanya ikut2an rebutan di sale. dulu gw mikir, mending gausah beli deh daripada buang2 energi desel2an rebutan barang sale sama ibu2.. hahaha.. ternyata eh ternyata.. going on a sale spree is like being sucked into a blackhole, once u get in u can never get out.. pertama kali masuk trus liat barang bagus, qt bakalan penasaran buat terus2an nyari nyari lagi yg lain, walopun qt harus cakar2an rebutan sama ibu2 bau keringet :p
oh n i almost forgot to mention, i spent like almost an hour or so frustrated looking for 36 size sandal for my aunt.. it was always like, when i see something good, there's no stock that size.. i really wonder how u people with 36 size feet go shoe-shopping without getting frustrated... haha..
ok.. from now on im gonna start going on sale sprees more often..
im gonna make that my priority to do list hahahha
so now i can proudly declare myself as... SALE-HOLIC!! hell yeah!! lololol
buuut overall, had a pretty good but imbicile day today
courtesy of my beloved friend plus driver plus assistant : firyalyasmin
kalo baca: unyuuu unyuuuu
ps: we went home with soaked helmets cos it rained and.. somehow.. we chose to park on the outdoor parking lot... how retarded.. idiots..
omg, i need panadol.. signing off... zzzzzz

fashion passion
LISTENING: Sons of Sylvia
THINKING: Updating moi blog :D
CRUSHING: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
READING: White Girl Problems

- vote for my brother please :)
- blog induced procrastination (abaikan)
- untitled
- itu adanya ;)
- Eat Pray Love : Sit, Stare and Yawn..
- QUOte of the day
- driving lessons, shoe sales and random imbicile mo...
- Everyone can dance because we all have heart beat!...
- love ballads, synchronized dancing, weird outfits,...
- the proud procrastinate
- just so you know
- my happy life
- very mary-kate, hillarious stuff!!
- I'm 21!!Boy has the time flown this year! I real...
- Resident Evil: Afterlife
- family (3)
- fashion passion (2)
- for your entertainment (5)
- kuliah (1)
- life.love.lollipops (2)
- Music Monday (3)
- ramblings (9)
- songs of pretty words (4)
- the picture speaks (1)

a propos de moi

- maulida ika
- I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. - Marilyn Monroe
connect with me

play me, pretty please..