love ballads, synchronized dancing, weird outfits, eyeliners, guys singing about a girl that they all apparently share = korean boyband.
Posted on | Thursday, October 14, 2010 | No Comments
I'm not really a big fan of korean boy bands, I mean don't get me wrong.. I'm not a hypocrite, I know that most of them are naturally good looking. but I don't really dig their music (maybe cos I don't understand a single word they're sayin) and stage acts, like with all the lipsync and hopping and jumping around the stage. Well frankly I think they're just strictly overrated, what with all the massive amount of die-hard fans that they have.
At first, the outfits they wear is just so weird and overdone, I get that they wanna make this edgy millennium style impression, that most of the time.. sorry to say becomes a big fail. Most of the guys are skinny and not muscular? and the fact that they all look the same (except for the hairstyle that they sport. Which is often, sadly, the kinda hair that reminds me of Dragon Ball Z). Then, they also wear heavy make up like tons and tons of eyeliner, and sumtimes silver eyeshadow.. eww.. Not to mention the way they pose for photoshoots.. is.. I dunno.. again.. gay I guess. Very far from the impression of macho for me.
Have I mentioned about their songs? Well, they tend to use english phrases that doesn't make sense in their song lyrics. Like the last song I heard of this boyband called shiNee ( at first I thot it was a girl's group, I mean the name is SHINEE for goodness sake!! how gay-er can that get?)
I forgot the title of the song, but i remember one of lyrics involve phrases like "her whisper is the lucifer" and repetitive "loverholic robotronic".. ooowkay.. do those lyrics even have a meaning?

for your entertainment
LISTENING: Sons of Sylvia
THINKING: Updating moi blog :D
CRUSHING: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
READING: White Girl Problems

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a propos de moi

- maulida ika
- I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. - Marilyn Monroe
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play me, pretty please..