Bahan Final Manajemen Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan
Posted on | Wednesday, December 22, 2010 | No Comments
PSKM 07..
materi ujian : bab 1 - 16

Posted on | Friday, November 12, 2010 | No Comments
“She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime,your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.” -Barbara Alpert

vote for my brother please :)
Posted on | Tuesday, October 19, 2010 | No Comments
my brother's currently joining this video competition held by the australia's dept of climate change and energy efficiency..
I hope u wouldn't mind sparing some of ur time checking out his video..
n if u like it, be sure to vote for it..
please vote :) here ---> Shout Out for Climate Change
merci beacoup.. it means a lot to us..
and as for ur info, last year he also won a similar national competition held by flinders university..
I hope he continues to do more and more great works
u make us all proud.. brother..

blog induced procrastination (abaikan)
I'm supposed to have my first driving lesson this afternoon..
tapi dicancel..
soalnya gw nerpes..
wkwkwk.. just jokin..
ya ga mungkin laaaaah gw nervous, mana ada orang keren nervous...
*apaseeeh ???*
lagi sakit nih, same old story; maag gw kambuh :(
could somebody drop by my room, n bring me some food.. please.. pretty please.. *-*

itu adanya ;)
OMGucci, I almost forgot today's time for music monday!! This song is one of my all time favourites, its kinda old though..
Kau Mewarnai Duniaku. Dengan caramu Yang Bersahaja. Kau Menghiasi Mimpiku. Dengan Parasmu Menggoda Rasa. Di Mataku Kaulah Juwita. Kaulah Wanita Yang Mempesona. Di S'gala Sisi Dalam Hidupku. Kau Begitu Sempurna ---- Itu Adanya. Ku Menginginkanmu. Setulus Hati. Tanpa Ada Ragu. Kau membutakan mata dan fikiran. Tuk Trus Mengejarmu Hingga Kau Mau ---- Kuingin Dapat Memelukmu. Jadikanlah Aku Yang Begitu. Berarti Selalu Di Dalam Hatimu. Bawa Aku Melangkah Jauh Bersamamu ---- Dan Kau Tersipu Malu Katakan Mau. Sambut Cintaku. Aku Di Sini Untukmu. Katakan Saja Bila Kau Mau

Eat Pray Love : Sit, Stare and Yawn..
I've heard a lot about this movie. I think Eat Pray Love is based on a book that was like the best seller in the New York Times for like 5 billion months or something. It's about Liz Gilbert, a woman who has just gone through a divorce with her husband and tries to overcome her depression by taking a solo soul searching journey through Italy, Bali and India to eat, pray and love.
I love what Julia Roberts has been doing lately, she has finally gotten to that stage of her career where people aren't recognizing her as America's sweetheart anymore and has gone on to perform in lesser known, more important films. If you haven't seen Duplicity, you should check it out because she was amazing in that and she was one heck of a force in Eat Pray Love.
Julia carries this movie. After the 15 minute mark, we hop from country to country in series of montages with Julia and the only reason why all this doesn't seem like a travel show is because we have Julia Robert's character that anchors us down with her character study. We feel the pain of her past, her hopeless attempt to resolve that pain by going on this journey but are still treated to her lighthearted charm.
And though Julia was a sight in the film, it's too bad she didn't have much good material to work with. The film is directed by Ryan Murphy who produced Glee, and he has certainly proven that he needs to stay in television because even with Julia Robert's performance and a great story already present in the book material, Eat Pray Love is generally a travel show movie you would see on Travel & Living.
For 1 hour 30 minutes, we go from place to place with Julia Roberts trying different food, wearing different clothes, touching exotic animals, trying spiritual stuff and amidst all that, Ryan Murphy failed to connect all these plot elements with the overall story of Eat Pray Love. I get why lots of the fans of the book disliked this movie because there was ultimately no soul to the film. Sure, it did have it's moments of charm but Eat Pray Love failed to find a balance between vacation shots and actual story development.
That being said, if anything else, Eat Pray Love is one of the most gorgeous non-CGI movies I have seen this year. The cinematographer is one heck of a guy. The empty travel show shots that take up 70% of the movie are absolutely gorgeous. It's full of colour & vibrant energy, that is pleasing to the eyes but like I said before, pretty pictures don't make a good movie.
You know, I think that Eat Pray Love would work much better as a TV series. Yeah. Make a miniseries of Julia Roberts doing all that she's doing in the film, but at least on television you have the luxury of time to accommodate all the beautiful sweeping shots of her travels and still maintain the integrity of the story peppered through the episodes.
Ultimately, Eat Pray Love is just an average movie when it could have been a true Oscar contender. If wnything, the film is only going to make an appearance in the cinematography category.
But above all, I really do must say.. The cutie James Franco is a total eye-vitamin in this movie *0*

QUOte of the day
Posted on | Sunday, October 17, 2010 | No Comments
when life gives you lemons, dont make lemonade. throw them at people who piss you off!

driving lessons, shoe sales and random imbicile moments
had a pretty random day today, started off my morning pretty weak WITHOUT breakfast (actually havent eaten anything since like the night of the day before yesterday. thats a total of 38 hours.. yesterday i didnt eat anything except of 2 cups of young-coconut (kelapa muda??) *???* guess its cos yesterday the heat was so unbearable, it made me delirious and suddenly forgot i was hungry..)trus pulang kerumah setengah sadar dipagi2 buta (red: jam 8 pagi) gapake mandi hohoho.. whaat? I was in a rush :p
then I went out to register for driving lessons, which was also pretty random.. the mas2 receptionist was fair retarded.. when i gave him a photocopy of my id, he insisted on photocopying it himself. i think he wanted to make sure my id wasnt fake cos it was laminated twice, the picture was blurry and the fact that my birthplace was unfamiliar hahaha..
then went to the cinemas to watch eat pray love where we were attacked by a swarm of ababils.. the mall was like jammed with these creatures, i was wondering why.. gatau eh gataunyaa... mau ada vierra gitu katanya.. pantesan aja mallnya penuh kloningan widi.. hahaha
eat pray love was kinda boring, ceritanya biasa gampang ditebak... (which imma tell u more on my next post bout the movie review)
pretty obvious that my highlight of the day wasn't the movie I watched, it was what happened after the movies..
hey hey...
i just got two new pairs of CUTE sandals btw.. at a very very cheap price infact.. yaay yaay!!
arent they just cute?
heck yes! that's cos i got it from a *drumroll please* SALE!!
so, yawe (my sidekick :p) n i was like shoved in a sea of sandals (and boxes of sandals) with a swarm of labile ruthless ladies scavanging for sandals *again with the over-exaggeration* sorry.. cant help it :p... it was like a totally new experience for me. gw ga pernah yg namanya ikut2an rebutan di sale. dulu gw mikir, mending gausah beli deh daripada buang2 energi desel2an rebutan barang sale sama ibu2.. hahaha.. ternyata eh ternyata.. going on a sale spree is like being sucked into a blackhole, once u get in u can never get out.. pertama kali masuk trus liat barang bagus, qt bakalan penasaran buat terus2an nyari nyari lagi yg lain, walopun qt harus cakar2an rebutan sama ibu2 bau keringet :p
oh n i almost forgot to mention, i spent like almost an hour or so frustrated looking for 36 size sandal for my aunt.. it was always like, when i see something good, there's no stock that size.. i really wonder how u people with 36 size feet go shoe-shopping without getting frustrated... haha..
ok.. from now on im gonna start going on sale sprees more often..
im gonna make that my priority to do list hahahha
so now i can proudly declare myself as... SALE-HOLIC!! hell yeah!! lololol

Posted on | Friday, October 15, 2010 | No Comments
Everyone can dance because we all have heart beat!
Gutten morgen peeps, dance your day to happiness!

love ballads, synchronized dancing, weird outfits, eyeliners, guys singing about a girl that they all apparently share = korean boyband.
Posted on | Thursday, October 14, 2010 | No Comments
At first, the outfits they wear is just so weird and overdone, I get that they wanna make this edgy millennium style impression, that most of the time.. sorry to say becomes a big fail. Most of the guys are skinny and not muscular? and the fact that they all look the same (except for the hairstyle that they sport. Which is often, sadly, the kinda hair that reminds me of Dragon Ball Z). Then, they also wear heavy make up like tons and tons of eyeliner, and sumtimes silver eyeshadow.. eww.. Not to mention the way they pose for photoshoots.. is.. I dunno.. again.. gay I guess. Very far from the impression of macho for me.
Have I mentioned about their songs? Well, they tend to use english phrases that doesn't make sense in their song lyrics. Like the last song I heard of this boyband called shiNee ( at first I thot it was a girl's group, I mean the name is SHINEE for goodness sake!! how gay-er can that get?)
I forgot the title of the song, but i remember one of lyrics involve phrases like "her whisper is the lucifer" and repetitive "loverholic robotronic".. ooowkay.. do those lyrics even have a meaning?

the proud procrastinate
Posted on | Tuesday, October 12, 2010 | No Comments
I have been staring at my laptop for 8 hours straight now..
I haven't moved anywhere, haven't gone out of my room..
Haven't seen any sunlight..
Haven't taken a bath since morning..
Let alone, breakfast..
Doing what?
Absolutely nothing, but browsing around..
And the fact is, this makes me happy..
I totally love lazy days like these
too bad, I dont have any new DVDs to watch

just so you know

my happy life
Posted on | Monday, October 11, 2010 | No Comments

very mary-kate, hillarious stuff!!
the unofficial biography of everyone's favorite fashionable billionaire

Posted on | Friday, October 8, 2010 | No Comments

Resident Evil: Afterlife
Posted on | Wednesday, October 6, 2010 | No Comments
Now, let me just get this out of the way: Resident Evil: Afterlife is a silly, silly movie. It's not nearly the horror-laden gore-fest that the first Resident Evil movie was, it's not the 'band of survivors zombie flick' that the second movie became, and it's not calculated and smart like the third movie.
And I'm not going to even try to mention the Resident Evil games, which are magnificent and genuinely terrifying (at least some of the better incarnations, like Resident Evil: 4). The simple fact is, the film franchise's heroine Alice is not in ANY of the videogames.
Resident Evil: Afterlife really just becomes a zombie-inspired Charlie's Angels flick, with action scene followed by action scenes, completely implausible situations, the ability to walk away from helicopters crashing into mountains and and find perfect make up when there's not a Wal-Mart to be found.
No matter what the circumstances, from being the last standing survivor in a apocalyptic world, to being drenched in sewage and blood, the leading ladies of Resident Evil: Afterlife will never look anything but slightly unruffled. Even Ali Larter's 'Claire', who begins the movie covered in dust and acting like a wild woman in arid Alaska, soon cleans herself off and has found mascara, blush, eye shadow and the perfect shade of lipstick, ready to stand beside Milla Jovovich and compete for the 'best pose while dripping wet in slow motion' award.
The script itself? Hokey and full of plot-holes the size of Antartica, following a formulaic-brand of shock-and-awe that leaves very little surprises. Two lead actors and a bit player jump into the water to swim to an armory. Guess which won't come back? Two lead characters and a bit player stand at the edge of a hole. Guess who is going to be sliced in half by the boss character who just showed up for no reason?
It kind of goes like that for the entire movie. Time for a fight scene! Time for Alice to look bad ass! Wait, has someone been mauled by a zombie in the last five minutes? Fixed it! Wait, we need some slow motion fight scenes with a completely implausible exit! Done! Let's have a guy keep a plane from sliding off a building with only his brute strength! He can do it! Yes he can!
The point is, if you're looking for a zombie movie? Rent Zombieland or Shaun of the Dead. Go see Resident Evil if you want to see hot chicks kicking ass, looking fantastic while they're doing it. Go see Resident Evil if you want to see awesome fight scenes, and get your adrenaline pumped. Resident Evil: Afterlife is worth watching if you can suspend your disbelief, go with the flow, and tell yourself that it's all just pretty movie-making.

james morrison - broken strings
Posted on | Saturday, August 21, 2010 | No Comments
Let me hold you for the last time
It's the last chance to feel again
But you broke me, now I can't feel anything
When I love you and so untrue
I can't even convince myself
When I'm speaking it's the voice of someone else
Oh, it tears me up
I tried to hold on but it hurts too much
I tried to forgive but it's not enough
To make it all okay
You can't play our broken strings
You can't feel anything
That your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real
Oh, the truth hurts and lies worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before?
Oh, what are we doing?
We are turning into dust
Playing house in the ruins of us
Running back through the fire
When there's nothing left to say
It's like chasing the very last train
When it's too late, too late
Oh, it tears me up
I tried to hold on but it hurts too much
I tried to forgive but it's not enough
To make it all okay
You can't play our broken strings
You can't feel anything
That your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real
Oh, the truth hurts and lies worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before?
But we're running through the fire
When there's nothing left to say
It's like chasing the very last train
When we both know it's too late, too late
You can't play our broken strings
You can't feel anything
That your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real
Oh, the truth hurts and lies worse
So how can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before?
Oh, you know that I love you a little less than before
Let me hold you for the last time
It's the last chance to feel again

a letter to the master of the universe
Posted on | Thursday, August 19, 2010 | No Comments

simone cammile
Posted on | Wednesday, August 18, 2010 | No Comments
for my love of vintage
this simone camille handmade bohemian bag is my must-have dream
anyone care to buy me one? ;)

my brother the photographer
he's got some awesome talent on photography

he's good
i know..
it runs in the blood ;)

LISTENING: Sons of Sylvia
THINKING: Updating moi blog :D
CRUSHING: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
READING: White Girl Problems

- vote for my brother please :)
- blog induced procrastination (abaikan)
- untitled
- itu adanya ;)
- Eat Pray Love : Sit, Stare and Yawn..
- QUOte of the day
- driving lessons, shoe sales and random imbicile mo...
- Everyone can dance because we all have heart beat!...
- love ballads, synchronized dancing, weird outfits,...
- the proud procrastinate
- just so you know
- my happy life
- very mary-kate, hillarious stuff!!
- I'm 21!!Boy has the time flown this year! I real...
- Resident Evil: Afterlife
- family (3)
- fashion passion (2)
- for your entertainment (5)
- kuliah (1)
- (2)
- Music Monday (3)
- ramblings (9)
- songs of pretty words (4)
- the picture speaks (1)

a propos de moi

- maulida ika
- I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. - Marilyn Monroe
connect with me

play me, pretty please..